Inside: discover common mistakes people make when using crystals. And the easy ways to make sure you avoid these blunders and instead have a potent and impactful experience with your crystals.

Crystals have become popular tools for various purposes from spiritual practices to energy work and manifestation. However, working with them isn't always straightforward, and mistakes can happen.

In this blog post, we'll take a practical look at the common missteps in the use of crystals. From misconceptions about their properties to neglecting proper care, we'll tackle the errors to steer clear of in your crystal journey.

Our aim here at The Blessed Crystal is to always provide straightforward guidance for the most effective, beneficial, and enjoyable experience with crystals.

Mistake #1. Putting crystals in water

While not necessarily "wrong", putting crystals in water can be problematic for several reasons.

Some crystals contain minerals that are water-soluble, meaning they can dissolve when submerged in water. For example, Selenite is a crystal that can easily deteriorate in water, as it contains gypsum, a mineral that dissolves in water over time.

Many people use water to cleanse their crystals of negative energies. However, this may not be suitable for all crystals. Alternatives like smudging with sage, using sound, or placing them in sunlight or moonlight are gentler methods that won't risk damaging the crystals.

Some crystals, like Selenite or Malachite, are porous and can absorb water, potentially changing their structure or appearance. This can also introduce impurities into the crystal.

Water can sometimes react with minerals in certain crystals, leading to changes in their color or surface. For example, water can cause iron-containing crystals to rust.

In some spiritual and metaphysical practices, it's believed that water can alter the energetic properties of crystals. For example, some practitioners think that submerging crystals in water may dilute their energies.

If you want to cleanse or charge your crystals, it's generally safer to use methods like smudging, sound cleansing, sunlight, or moonlight. If you do choose to use water, it's essential to research whether your specific crystals are water-safe and to be cautious with the duration of exposure. Always trust your intuition and the guidance of experienced crystal practitioners when working with crystals.

What Crystals Can Go in Water?

These crystals are generally considered safe to be placed in water. However, it's essential to note that even with these crystals, you should exercise caution, and it's often recommended to use indirect methods (e.g., placing the crystal near the water rather than submerging it) to avoid potential issues.

Quartz Crystals: Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, and other varieties of Quartz are usually safe in water. Clear Quartz, in particular, is often used to amplify the properties of other crystals placed in the same water.

Citrine: Citrine is typically safe in water. Its name even comes from the French word for lemon, "citron," due to its yellow color.

Agate: Many types of Agate, such as Blue Lace Agate or Moss Agate, are considered safe to use in water. They are often used for making gem elixirs.

Jade: Jade is usually safe in water and is associated with purity and tranquility.

Aventurine: Aventurine, known for its soothing energy, is often used in water. Using Aventurine in water, also known as creating a crystal elixir or gem water, can infuse the water with the stone's energetic properties. Aventurine is often associated with luck, abundance, and emotional healing. 

Hematite: Hematite is safe in water and is believed to help with grounding and protection.

Sodalite: Sodalite, a stone of communication and intuition, is generally safe in water.

Obsidian: Obsidian is considered safe in water and is often used for scrying and protection.

Moonstone: Moonstone is generally safe in water and is associated with feminine energy and intuition.

Lepidolite: Lepidolite is often used in water. It's known for its calming and soothing properties.

Remember that when using crystals in water, it's crucial to clean and charge them properly afterward. Also, ensure that the crystals you use are free from any harmful treatments or coatings, as these can leach into the water. Always exercise caution and do your research when using crystals in water.

Mistake #2: Not Cleansing Crystal Before Using Them

Cleansing crystals before using them is a common practice in crystal healing and metaphysical traditions. Skipping this step is not necessarily "wrong" and could lead to some unintended issues.

Whether or not you cleanse your crystals depends on your personal beliefs and intentions. 

Here’s why we recommend cleansing crystals:

  1. Energetic Residue. Crystals can absorb energy from their surroundings or from previous handling. Cleansing removes any energy that might not align with your intention for the crystal.
  1. Resetting: Cleansing acts like a reset button for crystals, allowing them to return to their natural state. This can help the crystal work more effectively for your specific purpose.
  1. Preventing Overload: Some crystals can become overloaded with energy, making them less effective. Cleansing prevents this and keeps the crystal's energy fresh.
  1. Personal Connection: Cleansing can also serve as a way to establish a connection with the crystal. It's a ritual that helps you attune to the crystal's energy and set your intentions.

That said, there's no hard and fast rule that you must cleanse your crystals. If you're using them for decorative purposes or you feel a strong connection with a crystal and believe it doesn't need cleansing, that's perfectly valid. The important thing is to trust your intuition and use crystals in a way that feels right for you.

Mistake #3: Skipping Charging Crystals 

Skipping the charging of crystals can be considered a mistake for several reasons:

  1. Energetic Depletion: Over time, crystals may become energetically depleted as they absorb and transmute negative energies. Skipping charging can lead to reduced effectiveness as they may struggle to maintain their inherent properties.
  1. Alignment with Intentions: Charging crystals is a way to align them with your specific intentions or goals. When you skip this step, you miss an opportunity to focus the crystal's energy on what you desire, diminishing its potential benefits.
  1. Stagnant Energies: Crystals can accumulate stagnant energies, hindering their ability to work optimally. Charging clears these stagnant energies and revitalizes the crystal's vibrational frequency.
  1. Personal Connection: Charging is a ritual that helps you establish a personal connection with the crystal. It's an opportunity to infuse your own energy and intention into the crystal, creating a stronger bond.
  1. Enhanced Effectiveness: Charged crystals are often more effective in their healing or manifestation properties. They can provide a more potent and directed energy when used in various practices.

Charging crystals is a practice that ensures their vitality, alignment with your intentions, and overall effectiveness. Skipping this step might result in less powerful or less directed energies from your crystals, potentially missing out on the full benefits they can offer.

Mistake #4: Placing Crystals in the Wrong Area of Home

Improper crystal placement within your home can affect the effectiveness of these powerful gems. The key lies in understanding where, and where not, to position specific crystals.

Whether you're aiming to create a soothing atmosphere in your bedroom, boost productivity in your workspace, or enhance emotional well-being in communal areas, choosing the right crystals and knowing where to put them is essential.

Our article “Which Crystals You Need to Have In Your Life” explains crystal choice and placement in detail.

Avoiding common placement mistakes ensures that the crystals' energies are harnessed optimally, contributing to a harmonious and balanced environment throughout your living space.

Mistake #5: Placing Crystals on the Wrong Part of the Body

Improper crystal placement on the body can lead to a misalignment of energies, limiting the potential benefits of these remarkable gemstones. Whether you're seeking to alleviate physical discomfort and emotional stress, or enhance spiritual well-being, where you place your crystals matters. 

For instance, putting grounding stones like Hematite on the heart chakra might disrupt the flow of its energies.

Placing a powerful energizer like Citrine on the throat chakra can be overwhelming

Using a calming crystal such as Amethyst on the root chakra might not effectively address your intended concerns.

To fully harness the energy of these crystals, it's essential to align them with the body's energy centers and your specific intentions, ensuring a more balanced and harmonious experience.

Mistake #6: Placing the Wrong Crystals Together

Mixing the wrong crystals together can have unintended consequences, affecting the energies they emit. Just as with proper placement, understanding which crystals should be kept apart is crucial. Here are three examples to consider: 

  1. Amethyst and Citrine: Amethyst is known for its calming energy, while Citrine is associated with vitality and abundance. Placing these two together can sometimes result in a blending of their energies, reducing their individual effectiveness.
  1. Rose Quartz and Black Tourmaline: Rose Quartz embodies love and emotional healing, while Black Tourmaline is a protective stone. Combining them might dilute their intended purposes, making it harder for each to do its job effectively.
  1. Hematite and Clear Quartz: Hematite is grounding, while Clear Quartz is an energy amplifier. Mixing them can sometimes lead to a conflicting energy dynamic, where Hematite's grounding effects are overshadowed.

By being mindful of the crystals you use and their compatibility, you can ensure that their individual properties and benefits are maximized, contributing to a more harmonious and purposeful energy in your space.

Mistake #7: Not Having an Intention or Purpose for Your Crystals

Neglecting to set a clear intention or purpose for your crystals is a common oversight in the world of crystal work. To maximize the benefits of these precious stones, it's crucial to have a specific goal in mind.

For instance, if you're using Amethyst, setting an intention for stress reduction and calmness can help direct the crystal's soothing energy.

If you have Rose Quartz, establishing an intention for self-love or improving relationships can focus its loving vibes.

And if you're working with Citrine, aiming for abundance and positivity can amplify its prosperity-enhancing qualities.

Without a defined purpose, crystals may work with a less directed energy, and their potential to help you achieve your goals might remain untapped.

Is It Ok to Keep Crystals Around for Their Beauty?

Absolutely, it's perfectly okay to keep crystals around for their sheer beauty.

Crystals, with their captivating colors and unique formations, are nature's artwork. Many people choose crystals as decorative elements in their homes simply because they find them visually pleasing. The aesthetic appeal of crystals can elevate the ambiance of any space, adding a touch of elegance and a natural, earthy charm. 

While crystals are valued for their metaphysical properties and healing energies, appreciating them for their beauty is a wonderful reason in itself to incorporate them into your decor. Whether adorning a shelf, adorning your workspace, or gracing your living room, crystals can be both aesthetically pleasing and energetically enriching, making them a versatile and delightful addition to any setting.

Mistake #8: Using Crystals to Heal

Using crystals as a means of healing or in lieu of professional medical advice is never recommended.

Crystals offer unique energies that can aid in various aspects of our well-being, from emotional balance to stress relief. However, they are not substitutes for professional medical advice or treatments.

For instance, while Amethyst may help in alleviating stress, it should never be relied upon as the sole treatment for anxiety disorders.

Similarly, relying on crystals for physical ailments when medical intervention is necessary could lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment. Clear Quartz, for example, might be excellent for mental clarity, but it can't replace the expertise of a healthcare professional. 

When it comes to your health, it's vital to consult a medical expert, and, if you choose to use crystals as a complementary practice, do so in conjunction with, not in place of, sound medical advice from your trusted health care professional.

Mistake #9: Not Using Crystals at All

Neglecting the use of crystals entirely can mean missing out on their myriad benefits. Crystals have long been recognized for their capacity to enhance well-being, protect against negativity, and bolster our intentions.

Not using crystals at all can be likened to having a toolbox but never reaching for its tools. 

For instance, Rose Quartz, the "Stone of Love," can foster love and harmony in relationships.

Citrine, known as the "Success Stone," can help attract prosperity and positivity into your life.

Black Tourmaline, a powerful protective crystal, can shield you from negative energies and stress.

Disregarding these and other crystals may mean foregoing the opportunity to enrich your life in numerous ways. Whether you're a seasoned crystal enthusiast or a newcomer, incorporating crystals intentionally into your life can bring profound and positive transformation.

Mistake #10: Improperly Storing Crystals

Improper storage of crystals is a common oversight that can lead to a depletion of their energies and, in some cases, even damage. It's essential to handle these precious gems with care. Here are three examples of mistakes made when storing crystals:

  1. Direct Sunlight Exposure: Placing crystals like Selenite, which are sensitive to light, in direct sunlight can cause them to become brittle or discolored over time. To prevent this, store light-sensitive crystals in a cool, dark place, or use opaque containers to shield them from sunlight. Here at The Blessed Crystal, we ship all of our crystals in fabric bags that can be used for storage when your crystal is not in active use.
  1. Clumping Different Energies: Mixing crystals with opposing energies or properties, like Garnet (associated with passion) and Blue Lace Agate (known for its calming effects), can create energetic confusion. To avoid this, store crystals with similar energies together to maintain their unique properties.
  1. Neglecting Cleansing: Failing to cleanse your crystals before storing them can trap negative energies within the stones. Without proper cleansing, the stored crystals may not be as effective when you retrieve them for use. Make sure to cleanse and recharge your crystals regularly to maintain their vibrancy and potency. Our article on cleansing crystals is the go-to guide for crystal maintenance.

By avoiding these common storage mistakes and adopting proper care, you can ensure that your crystals remain ready to serve your needs and intentions effectively.

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Written by Jennifer Priest

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